Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Dichotomy of Motherhood

watching you walk away, i felt my heart stop.  
i made no sound, so that you might never know how                                                                              each short breath inhaled my lungs with pain.      

watching you walk away, tears flowed as the space                                                                           between us grew.
watching you walk away, i silently closed my eyes                                                                                       and watched memories flood my mind.
how can i say all that is in my heart?
a scream rises unspoken: when o when will i see you again?

from helpless infant to grown adult. in a flash. you were here                                                                         and in a flash you were not.

a hug, a kiss, a whispered "I love you!" and then nothing

the form of your body shadowed on the sidewalk.
the form of your smile traced in my eyes.
the form of your laugh etched in my ears.
the emptiness in my heart booms.
the void of your leaving lingers on and on.

i wanted you to go, amazingly.
i desire for you to pursue your dreams
i want you to go, ironically.
i am proud of you for going away and living your life even as
i desperately wish that you were living                                                                                                      your life right next door to mine.

because i love you i want you to go.

life demands dichotomy.
a  mother's love offers harmony.

i love you my child so... go in peace and live with all my love & blessings.


  1. Thank you! Appreciate the kindness!

  2. My own past "good-byes" came to mind while reading this poem. So heartfelt. Thank you.

  3. Not sure what is happening, have tried to comment twice before - maybe three times will be the charm. While reading this poem, it reminded me of all my "good-byes" with people who are now gone and others that are still here but so far away. Loved it!!!


Thanks for taking time to comment. I realize you are busy. I appreciate it. cheers! suess