Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Breeze. Birds. Frogs. Rain. Thunder. Breath.

The breeze cools me as I sit and listen. To what?
To the birds closing day chirp. The frogs darkening serenade.
The cadence of soft rain drip drop drop drip drop.
Rumbling thunder background.

The breeze cools me as I sit and observe. To what?
The suns offer of disappearing glances.
The clouds covering the burn of day.
The leaves respond to shifting air.
Colors deepening in shadow rest.

Evening approaches.
I close my eyes. To what?
To the distractions of activity.
Demons of demand.
Much calls my name.
I am immune. Isolated. Invisible.

The spirit of me relaxes.
Within my soul, I sense.
Breath and breath and breath.
Muscles ache from day tasks. Blood flows to repair. Heart beats in rhythm.
To life. To dreams. To loves.

Moments pass as healing flows.
Moments in life to stop.
Moments in life to receive.

I yearn to be whole.
I ache to be free.

The breeze cools me as I sit and listen. To what?
To my life flow. My heart song. My dreams form.
Breeze. Birds. Frogs. Rain. Thunder. Breath.
My symphony. My sanctuary. An audience of one.

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